Gravitational Radiation Antenna In Leiden

Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden University, The Netherlands

The MiniGRAIL Team

Boss Postdoc PhD
Prof. dr. Giorgio Frossati Arlette de Waard Sasha Usenko

Undergraduate Students
Raymond Oonk Kees Hebschleb Youssef Benzaim

Collaboration with the Low Temperature Division of Twente University

Development of nearly quantum limited SQUIDs

Boss PhD Undergraduate Student
Dr. Ir. J. Flokstra Ir. Johannes Pleikies Ing. Imdat Yikilmaz

Collaboration with the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Geneva, Switzerland

Data analysis

Boss Boss Postdoc Postdoc PhD
Prof. Dr. Michele Maggiore Prof. Dr. Martin Pohl Dr. Riccardo Sturani Dr. Stefano Foffa Filipe da Silva
Electronic Engineer
Hibbe van der Mark

Technical Department
Ewie de Kuyper Jaap Bij Arie Kuijt

Cryogenic Department
Wilfred van der Geest, Hans van Kuyk and Rob van Noord